Become a Donor

Global Funds to Local Hands

GCERF welcomes funds from governments, international organisations, foundations, corporations and individuals.

Governments – will be in good company. GCERF is already supported by the governments of Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, the United States of America and the European Union. Most of our government donors are members of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism and or the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) and are implementing their own Preventing Violent Extremism Action Plans . They have diverse prevention of violent extremism portfolios nationally and internationally, but also value the unique advantage of reaching out to vulnerable communities directly through GCERF. All government donors can report their contributions to GCERF as Official Development Assistance (ODA).

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International organisations, foundations, corporations and individuals – will also find representation in GCERF. If you are aiming to strengthen the resilience of local communities to violent extremism in support of your own development or human rights programmes, or to improve the safety of your local workforce in GCERF partner countries, please contact

GCERF is a funding mechanism; it does not design or implement its own programmes but solicits grant proposals from national NGOs and community-based organisations (CBOs) such as community groups, workers’ groups, women’s organisations, social entrepreneurs, and human rights activists. GCERF invests global funds into the hands of local communities most vulnerable to violent extremism and then monitors and evaluates the projects on the ground. Funding contributions can be made to GCERF at any time. Unrestricted funding strengthens our political independence, while we are also able to target funds on specific localities or themes to help strengthen complimentary programmes on the ground.

GCERF provides regular and rigorous financial and activity reports to all its donors, For more information on preventing violent extremism through GCERF, please contact